Leverage our B2C delivery solution as a tool to reach more customers!

ScripRide, is a Memphis-based contactless delivery service. We believe small businesses, safety net clinics and independent pharmacies can leverage technology to reach low-income patients with mobility problems and provide safe delivery services during these unprecedented times. Our platform ensures safety, traceability, and efficiency, while creating a new mechanism for community members to continue to support their local micro-economy.

ScripRide provides a unique opportunity to reach new customers and strengthen existing patient relationships through the power of collaboration. Our no-contact delivery service provides HIPAA-trained courteous drivers who live right here in our community. They are familiar with our city, and take pride in providing the best customer service! Every delivery is monitored in real-time with route visibility. Enjoy piece of mind with proof-of-delivery. An image of each delivery is captured, and your patients can provide a delivery rating, ensuring we stay on our toes to provide great experiences! Most importantly, ScripRide is fully insured with industry-standard $1MM Commercial Liability and $100K Cargo Insurance coverage.

Our Partners


Are you having trouble affording your meds?

What if we told you all of your chronic disease medications could be covered under a $50 membership fee. No, seriously, they could!

Click the button below to learn more about how ScripRide is partnering with Good Shepherd Health to deliver affordable medications to the Greater Memphis community!